August 7, 2020 Coats Museum News
The month was May of 1985 and the students, teachers and community folks were busy preparing for thousands of former students and families to return for the Coats Reunion project to be held on May 17-18thon the Coats High campus. Dr. Donald Moore, Coats family physician, was enjoying his own visitor, John Baxter, an English medical student. The young student was also observing at UNC Chapel Hill and the Royce Clinic in Rocky Mount. The young man noted how friendly the people in Harnett County were (Daily Record May 1, 1985). Did the entrance sign to Coats once display that Coats was a friendly place to live?
I do know that Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards of Route 4, Dunn, announced the engagement of their daughter, Donna Ruth Edwards, to Travis Lamar Upchurch, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Upchurch of Route 1, Coats. Travis was the grandson of Mrs. Era Upchurch of Route 1, Coats and Mrs. Alta Mae Ennis of Angier.
The Coats Pee Wee Soccer Team, coached by Greg Stevens, compiled a 7-1 record and had the regular season county championship. Team members were Patrick Jenkins, Hannah Hiot, Chris Ryan, Emily Allen, Natalie Stevens, Robbie Pope, Brandon Norris, C.J. Holliday, Shawn Heath, Shawn Allen, Samantha Wagner and Chris Johnson among others (Daily Record May 2, 1985).
Who remembers the Regan family of Coats? Mr. Regan worked with the Department of Transportation and kept the dirt roads in good shape with the motor grater as well as being involved with the politics of the town. Charles Regan made the news when he began working for Barefoot’s Auto Sales after 15 years as a car salesman in the Dunn area (Daily Record May 6, 1985).
For those who knew Charles, Connie, Carolyn, Clifford, Clara and Cecil Regan will tell you that they definitely helped Coats earn the title of being a friendly place to live. I also think that most will agree that Dan Honeycutt was instrumental in bringing recognition to the Coats softball teams. The softball team he coached won the Carolina Conference in 1985. Some of the hitters were Foy Pope, Cindy Matthews, Shannon Lucas, Tara Johnson, Andrea Ennis and Penny Weaver.
While South River Rural Electric was celebrating its 50th Anniversary, the Coats Board of Commissioners was drawing up a resolution of protest concerning a possible increase of 12 cents above the then 10 cents per 1000 gallons of water each year. The board also decided to work with Tax Collector Elaine Keene to set up a partial payment plan for back taxes in order for them to be paid within six months. They also discussed a proposal by the DOT to improve NC 27 from Jackson St. to Hammer St. and to NC 27 to the north of the town limits. Mayor Godfrey Beasley said the town should consider obtaining a full-time building inspector and zoning administrator. The Board appointed Janice Lucas to the Board of Election Committee pending her approval (Daily Record May 10, 1985).
Another wedding was being planned as Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stewart Hough had announced the engagement of their daughter, Lori Stewart Hough, to Brian John Murphy (Daily Record May 13, 1985).
Everything was in place for the massive reunion project to celebrate the end of one era and the beginning of another. The 1985 graduating class would be the last to receive a diploma from Coats High School. Triton High School would be the new school for most of the Coats High School students.
Who were these graduating students? Amy Adams, Sherri Addison, Joyce Amerson, Rose Bain, Jerry Baker, Tammy Baker, Sonya Barbour, Danny Beasley, Brookie Betts, Efram Byrd, Vicky Bryd, Michelle Champion, Pam Denton, Terry Dibella, Sherwood Dunston, Chris Ennis, Tonya Ennis, Kenneth Faircloth, Connie Garris, Jimmy Gaskins, Teresa Glover, Blake Gregory, Michelle Gregory, Wendy Gregory, Barbara Hayes, Carolyn Hollis, Sam Humphrey, Tracy Ivey, Tim Lane, Mark Langdon, Becky Lee, Jerry Lee, Keith Lemon, Jeanette Lewis, Derrick Liles, Anita Matthews, Gary Matthews, Michael Matthews, Travis Matthews, Freddie McDuffie, Calvin McNeill, Mickey Messer, Allen Mosby, Karen Neighbors, Wayne Norris, Randy Page, Gina Parrish, Foy Pope, Antonia Purcell, Jamie Regan, John Roberts, Lisa Roper, Debbie Royster, Craig Stancil, Melinda Stanley, Becky Stewart, Kim Stewart, Traci Stewart, Amanda Strasser, Thomas Strickland, Betty Tearry, Derick Tripp, Alex Turlington, Debbie Upchurch, Tracy White, Brian Whittington, Mark Williams and Penny Young were those whose names marked the end of an era at the Coats High School.
We ask all our readers to keep our good friend and museum attorney, Joe Tart, in your prayers. He is a behind the scene supporter for so many causes and H.L. and I have honored Joe with an honorarium to the Coats Museum.
The month was May of 1985 and the students, teachers and community folks were busy preparing for thousands of former students and families to return for the Coats Reunion project to be held on May 17-18thon the Coats High campus. Dr. Donald Moore, Coats family physician, was enjoying his own visitor, John Baxter, an English medical student. The young student was also observing at UNC Chapel Hill and the Royce Clinic in Rocky Mount. The young man noted how friendly the people in Harnett County were (Daily Record May 1, 1985). Did the entrance sign to Coats once display that Coats was a friendly place to live?
I do know that Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards of Route 4, Dunn, announced the engagement of their daughter, Donna Ruth Edwards, to Travis Lamar Upchurch, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Upchurch of Route 1, Coats. Travis was the grandson of Mrs. Era Upchurch of Route 1, Coats and Mrs. Alta Mae Ennis of Angier.
The Coats Pee Wee Soccer Team, coached by Greg Stevens, compiled a 7-1 record and had the regular season county championship. Team members were Patrick Jenkins, Hannah Hiot, Chris Ryan, Emily Allen, Natalie Stevens, Robbie Pope, Brandon Norris, C.J. Holliday, Shawn Heath, Shawn Allen, Samantha Wagner and Chris Johnson among others (Daily Record May 2, 1985).
Who remembers the Regan family of Coats? Mr. Regan worked with the Department of Transportation and kept the dirt roads in good shape with the motor grater as well as being involved with the politics of the town. Charles Regan made the news when he began working for Barefoot’s Auto Sales after 15 years as a car salesman in the Dunn area (Daily Record May 6, 1985).
For those who knew Charles, Connie, Carolyn, Clifford, Clara and Cecil Regan will tell you that they definitely helped Coats earn the title of being a friendly place to live. I also think that most will agree that Dan Honeycutt was instrumental in bringing recognition to the Coats softball teams. The softball team he coached won the Carolina Conference in 1985. Some of the hitters were Foy Pope, Cindy Matthews, Shannon Lucas, Tara Johnson, Andrea Ennis and Penny Weaver.
While South River Rural Electric was celebrating its 50th Anniversary, the Coats Board of Commissioners was drawing up a resolution of protest concerning a possible increase of 12 cents above the then 10 cents per 1000 gallons of water each year. The board also decided to work with Tax Collector Elaine Keene to set up a partial payment plan for back taxes in order for them to be paid within six months. They also discussed a proposal by the DOT to improve NC 27 from Jackson St. to Hammer St. and to NC 27 to the north of the town limits. Mayor Godfrey Beasley said the town should consider obtaining a full-time building inspector and zoning administrator. The Board appointed Janice Lucas to the Board of Election Committee pending her approval (Daily Record May 10, 1985).
Another wedding was being planned as Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stewart Hough had announced the engagement of their daughter, Lori Stewart Hough, to Brian John Murphy (Daily Record May 13, 1985).
Everything was in place for the massive reunion project to celebrate the end of one era and the beginning of another. The 1985 graduating class would be the last to receive a diploma from Coats High School. Triton High School would be the new school for most of the Coats High School students.
Who were these graduating students? Amy Adams, Sherri Addison, Joyce Amerson, Rose Bain, Jerry Baker, Tammy Baker, Sonya Barbour, Danny Beasley, Brookie Betts, Efram Byrd, Vicky Bryd, Michelle Champion, Pam Denton, Terry Dibella, Sherwood Dunston, Chris Ennis, Tonya Ennis, Kenneth Faircloth, Connie Garris, Jimmy Gaskins, Teresa Glover, Blake Gregory, Michelle Gregory, Wendy Gregory, Barbara Hayes, Carolyn Hollis, Sam Humphrey, Tracy Ivey, Tim Lane, Mark Langdon, Becky Lee, Jerry Lee, Keith Lemon, Jeanette Lewis, Derrick Liles, Anita Matthews, Gary Matthews, Michael Matthews, Travis Matthews, Freddie McDuffie, Calvin McNeill, Mickey Messer, Allen Mosby, Karen Neighbors, Wayne Norris, Randy Page, Gina Parrish, Foy Pope, Antonia Purcell, Jamie Regan, John Roberts, Lisa Roper, Debbie Royster, Craig Stancil, Melinda Stanley, Becky Stewart, Kim Stewart, Traci Stewart, Amanda Strasser, Thomas Strickland, Betty Tearry, Derick Tripp, Alex Turlington, Debbie Upchurch, Tracy White, Brian Whittington, Mark Williams and Penny Young were those whose names marked the end of an era at the Coats High School.
We ask all our readers to keep our good friend and museum attorney, Joe Tart, in your prayers. He is a behind the scene supporter for so many causes and H.L. and I have honored Joe with an honorarium to the Coats Museum.