March 31, 2023 Coats Museum News
From the June 25, 1992 edition of the Daily Record, the readers learned that all was going well at the Coats Flowers and Gifts Shop. It shared that there were smiles on the faces of Cindy Meece, Holly Moore, Carolyn Moore and Charlene Stoker. Edna Mangum was co-owner of the shop.
Scott Turlington, 19, of Coats, had accepted a call to be a missionary for his church. Scott’s parents are Donna and Tom Turlington. Scott was a 1991 graduate of Triton High School (Daily Record June 26, 1992).
Another 1991 Triton graduate had accepted an honor. He was awarded the Harnett County Retired School Personnel Scholarship. Bryan Sorrell was on the Dean’s List at NC State University where he was majoring in zoology with plans to attend a School of Veterinary Medicine after graduation from NC State (Daily Record June 29, 1992).
Joseph A. Gregory, Director of Agriculture Development in Raleigh, was the recipient of the 1992 National Food and Energy Council Award. The Coats native was the son of the late Carson Gregory, Sr. and Mrs. Carson Gregory (Daily Record July 1, 1992).
Mrs. Etta Pleasant was honored on her birthday with a pig picking at the home of her youngest son, Robert Pleasant and wife Jeanette. Can you imagine the fun the 100 people had as they gathered in the large garage on a terribly rainy day? Mrs. Pleasant’s seven sons were Robert, J.L., Sherrill, Gerald, Elwood, Wesley and Cecil.
Travis Byrd and his brother Jeffrey had to be excited that there was a new baby sister in their house. The proud parents were Delma and Debra Byrd. Kimberly Shane Byrd’s grandparents were Randall Hardee and Nellie Hardee and Allene Byrd.
Another Coats student had won an honor in college. Donna Lynn Currin Ryals had made the honor roll at ECU. After Belle shared the news about Donna’s honor, she reminded her readers that there were several on the ailing list from Coats. Ihire Wiggins had a broken hip. Louine Stewart, Fleming Peede, and Graymon Powell were on her list.
Volunteering plays a big role in almost all organizations from the high school level to senior groups and international organizations. The Coats Senior Center seemed to have quite a few who spent time helping others through service. In fact the July 2nd issue of the Daily Record reported that over 10,000 hours of service had been given through the Coats Senior Center. Peggy Brown also reported that 50 local businesses, clubs, churches and others had supported the center during the last twelve months.
June Bug and Mrs. June Bug were still celebrating after being named the Coats Woman’s Club Family of the Year for 1992. Do you have to ask? Yes, it was Joe and Eloise Lee.
Let’s take a trip to Tuscaloosa, Alabama. That’s what Dovie Beasley and her granddaughters, Stephanie and Susan, did when they went there to visit Dovie’s mother, Mrs. Velma Lee. Many folks in Coats were talking about the great job that Leon Smith did on the south side of Coats in grooming the grass and pretty row of trees.
How many seconds does it take to make a good first impression? Thanks, Leon, for making a good impression on travelers headed to Erwin south or north to Coats-Angier.
Speaking of love, Clyde Stone and wife Dorothy Stone had been married for 51 years. Surely some of you recall that Clyde Stone was a talented musician and entertainer for WCKB when the station had a satellite WCKB in Coats. Can you say Clyde Stone without thinking of Gerald Young?
I do know that Dallas Jones sold Christmas trees. Did you know that? The question is why was that news in the heat of July? Was he preordering? According to the same edition of the Daily Record, Joe Penny had returned from a recent trip to Alaska on the cruise ship Regal Princess.
The Coats Methodists had a new pastor, Rev. Ellen Metcaff. One of the members of her church, J.D. Norris, Sr., had flown to Florence, Alabama to visit his son, J.D. Norris, Jr., who was serving the First Freewill Baptist Church with 1200 members. Guess what. That was J.D., Sr.’s first airplane flight.
Congratulations to the Lions Club Little League team coached by Doug Stevens, Jody Pollard and Danny Pollard for winning the championship (Daily Record July 2, 1992).
The Coats IGA International base ball team had won a close 11-10 victory to claim the championship thanks to the strong pitching of Louie Slaughter and Tony Beasley, Jr. Kelly Parrish, Mike Denton, and Nicholas Dennis had displayed strong hitting.
The Coats Yankees had won the 1992 Season Champs and the Tournament in the Midgets. Do you recognize these parents who coached in the Coats recreation sports? Tommy Stephens and Dwight Parrish coached the Skats Reds. Charles Byrd, Larry Barefoot and Rocky Caudle headed the Skats Yankees. Danny Ferguson, Tony Beasley, and Stacy McLamb led the Matthews Brothers team. Lee Shearin, Gary Butler, and Tim Peede coached the Coats Pirates.
In the Little League, special thanks went to Randy Pope and Larry Tysinger-LL Trophy Case; Hardee Skats-Greg Stevens, Raymond Hamilton and Bennie Blackmon; Lions Club-Jody Pollard, Doug Dennis, and Danny Pollard; BB&T-Henry Norris, Timmy Pollard, Connie Tart and and Ashley Jones. The Little League Coaches Award in memory of Paul Pollard was awarded to Danny Norris as the Most Improved Player.
Don’t you imagine the following were proud to be selected from their team as Midget All-Stars: Brian Denton, Keith Manes, Justin Denning, William Coats, Garrett Surles, Todd Parrish, Mitch Ferguson, Kyle Turlington, Chris Beasley, Dallas Messer, Brett Butler and Brian Flowers.
The Little All-Stars from the teams were Ashley Stewart, Jeffrey Stewart, Garyen Denning, Jonathan Tart, Steven Tart, Kevin Blackmon, Brooks West, Lyle Pollard, Jason Dennis, Bobby Sherman, Adam Ennis, Brandon Wood, Gary Walden, B.J. Blackmon, Thomas Hamilton, Joseph Hawley, Mitch Pope and James Norris.
The players chosen for the Midget League team were Gil Stephens, Bradley Pope, Travis Pollard and Brooks Woods.
Thank you to our wonderful supporters of the museum. This week honorariums were given for Linda Cobb and Kathy Weeks and a memorial for Charles Ogburn. A special thank you to Lenny Parker who helps care for the grounds and sees if the volunteers need any manpower to do some heavy lifting. A thank you goes to Ralph Denning for setting up a meeting with Victor Byrd to help us identify some of the original houses in Coats and of course to Robie Butler who loves to cook and shares some of it with the volunteers, so we don’t have to leave the museum for lunch.
I think we sometimes forget how important the newspapers are in preserving our history. A special thank you goes to the Daily Record for giving the folks at the museum a second chance to share the history of the things which happened in yesteryear Coats.
From the June 25, 1992 edition of the Daily Record, the readers learned that all was going well at the Coats Flowers and Gifts Shop. It shared that there were smiles on the faces of Cindy Meece, Holly Moore, Carolyn Moore and Charlene Stoker. Edna Mangum was co-owner of the shop.
Scott Turlington, 19, of Coats, had accepted a call to be a missionary for his church. Scott’s parents are Donna and Tom Turlington. Scott was a 1991 graduate of Triton High School (Daily Record June 26, 1992).
Another 1991 Triton graduate had accepted an honor. He was awarded the Harnett County Retired School Personnel Scholarship. Bryan Sorrell was on the Dean’s List at NC State University where he was majoring in zoology with plans to attend a School of Veterinary Medicine after graduation from NC State (Daily Record June 29, 1992).
Joseph A. Gregory, Director of Agriculture Development in Raleigh, was the recipient of the 1992 National Food and Energy Council Award. The Coats native was the son of the late Carson Gregory, Sr. and Mrs. Carson Gregory (Daily Record July 1, 1992).
Mrs. Etta Pleasant was honored on her birthday with a pig picking at the home of her youngest son, Robert Pleasant and wife Jeanette. Can you imagine the fun the 100 people had as they gathered in the large garage on a terribly rainy day? Mrs. Pleasant’s seven sons were Robert, J.L., Sherrill, Gerald, Elwood, Wesley and Cecil.
Travis Byrd and his brother Jeffrey had to be excited that there was a new baby sister in their house. The proud parents were Delma and Debra Byrd. Kimberly Shane Byrd’s grandparents were Randall Hardee and Nellie Hardee and Allene Byrd.
Another Coats student had won an honor in college. Donna Lynn Currin Ryals had made the honor roll at ECU. After Belle shared the news about Donna’s honor, she reminded her readers that there were several on the ailing list from Coats. Ihire Wiggins had a broken hip. Louine Stewart, Fleming Peede, and Graymon Powell were on her list.
Volunteering plays a big role in almost all organizations from the high school level to senior groups and international organizations. The Coats Senior Center seemed to have quite a few who spent time helping others through service. In fact the July 2nd issue of the Daily Record reported that over 10,000 hours of service had been given through the Coats Senior Center. Peggy Brown also reported that 50 local businesses, clubs, churches and others had supported the center during the last twelve months.
June Bug and Mrs. June Bug were still celebrating after being named the Coats Woman’s Club Family of the Year for 1992. Do you have to ask? Yes, it was Joe and Eloise Lee.
Let’s take a trip to Tuscaloosa, Alabama. That’s what Dovie Beasley and her granddaughters, Stephanie and Susan, did when they went there to visit Dovie’s mother, Mrs. Velma Lee. Many folks in Coats were talking about the great job that Leon Smith did on the south side of Coats in grooming the grass and pretty row of trees.
How many seconds does it take to make a good first impression? Thanks, Leon, for making a good impression on travelers headed to Erwin south or north to Coats-Angier.
Speaking of love, Clyde Stone and wife Dorothy Stone had been married for 51 years. Surely some of you recall that Clyde Stone was a talented musician and entertainer for WCKB when the station had a satellite WCKB in Coats. Can you say Clyde Stone without thinking of Gerald Young?
I do know that Dallas Jones sold Christmas trees. Did you know that? The question is why was that news in the heat of July? Was he preordering? According to the same edition of the Daily Record, Joe Penny had returned from a recent trip to Alaska on the cruise ship Regal Princess.
The Coats Methodists had a new pastor, Rev. Ellen Metcaff. One of the members of her church, J.D. Norris, Sr., had flown to Florence, Alabama to visit his son, J.D. Norris, Jr., who was serving the First Freewill Baptist Church with 1200 members. Guess what. That was J.D., Sr.’s first airplane flight.
Congratulations to the Lions Club Little League team coached by Doug Stevens, Jody Pollard and Danny Pollard for winning the championship (Daily Record July 2, 1992).
The Coats IGA International base ball team had won a close 11-10 victory to claim the championship thanks to the strong pitching of Louie Slaughter and Tony Beasley, Jr. Kelly Parrish, Mike Denton, and Nicholas Dennis had displayed strong hitting.
The Coats Yankees had won the 1992 Season Champs and the Tournament in the Midgets. Do you recognize these parents who coached in the Coats recreation sports? Tommy Stephens and Dwight Parrish coached the Skats Reds. Charles Byrd, Larry Barefoot and Rocky Caudle headed the Skats Yankees. Danny Ferguson, Tony Beasley, and Stacy McLamb led the Matthews Brothers team. Lee Shearin, Gary Butler, and Tim Peede coached the Coats Pirates.
In the Little League, special thanks went to Randy Pope and Larry Tysinger-LL Trophy Case; Hardee Skats-Greg Stevens, Raymond Hamilton and Bennie Blackmon; Lions Club-Jody Pollard, Doug Dennis, and Danny Pollard; BB&T-Henry Norris, Timmy Pollard, Connie Tart and and Ashley Jones. The Little League Coaches Award in memory of Paul Pollard was awarded to Danny Norris as the Most Improved Player.
Don’t you imagine the following were proud to be selected from their team as Midget All-Stars: Brian Denton, Keith Manes, Justin Denning, William Coats, Garrett Surles, Todd Parrish, Mitch Ferguson, Kyle Turlington, Chris Beasley, Dallas Messer, Brett Butler and Brian Flowers.
The Little All-Stars from the teams were Ashley Stewart, Jeffrey Stewart, Garyen Denning, Jonathan Tart, Steven Tart, Kevin Blackmon, Brooks West, Lyle Pollard, Jason Dennis, Bobby Sherman, Adam Ennis, Brandon Wood, Gary Walden, B.J. Blackmon, Thomas Hamilton, Joseph Hawley, Mitch Pope and James Norris.
The players chosen for the Midget League team were Gil Stephens, Bradley Pope, Travis Pollard and Brooks Woods.
Thank you to our wonderful supporters of the museum. This week honorariums were given for Linda Cobb and Kathy Weeks and a memorial for Charles Ogburn. A special thank you to Lenny Parker who helps care for the grounds and sees if the volunteers need any manpower to do some heavy lifting. A thank you goes to Ralph Denning for setting up a meeting with Victor Byrd to help us identify some of the original houses in Coats and of course to Robie Butler who loves to cook and shares some of it with the volunteers, so we don’t have to leave the museum for lunch.
I think we sometimes forget how important the newspapers are in preserving our history. A special thank you goes to the Daily Record for giving the folks at the museum a second chance to share the history of the things which happened in yesteryear Coats.